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Vit C Course 4 PLUS 1 FREE

Vitamin C Intramuscular Injection Purchase Four & get the 5th Free.

  • 15 min
  • 80 British pounds
  • Park View Rise, Along Vicarage Lane, Opposite The Old Royal Oak Pub.

Service Description

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient required for a variety of functions that include biosynthesis of collagen and co factor in biosynthesis of cholesterol, amino acids, and some peptide hormones. It is water soluble and once delivered to the bodies tissues is not effectively stored, this means that regular intake via food or supplements is essential. A severe lack of Vitamin C can result in scurvy. Where the blood vessels become fragile and cannot produce collagen, this results in them collapsing. Vitamin C plays a vital role in cancer, cardio vascular and inflammation prevention within the body. Along with assisting to reduce the impact on ongoing acute or chronic diseases. Vitamin C is a much overlooked but powerful nutrient. It is an incredibly extensive anti oxidant that neutralises free radicals, makes collagen that is an essential component within the body's nervous, immune, bone, cartilage and blood systems. Vitamin C also helps with chemical synapse function. Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, green vegetables and tomatoes and potatoes. Some of the many ways it is essential to the human body is that helps the absorption of iron into the blood stream and reduces the onset of ageing skin. The recommended daily intake of Vitamin C for adults is 90mg for men and 75mg for women. Smoking destroys Vitamin C levels so additional intake for smokers is advised. The benefits of intramuscular (IM) injection of Vitamin C over oral tablets is that injections can deliver large doses direct to the blood stream without the body needing to digest a tablet that will then only deliver a portion of its concentration. An IM will also not be expelled as quickly from the body. The tolerable daily upper limit for Vitamin C is 2000mg. Going beyond these limits may cause diarrhoea , kidney stones and higher doses should only be given under medical supervision. While on loading doses it is advisable to refrain from taking any additional Vitamin C supplements, simply continue with a healthy balanced diet. There is however, no known evidence to suggest that high doses of Vitamin C is toxic within the body. Once the body reaches sufficient levels then any excess Vitamin C is simply excreted by the body. There are certain contra- indications for Vitamin C IM, a full one to one consultation will be carried out before the IM is administered. Initial loading doses of B12 of once a week for four weeks then a maintenance dose will produce the best results.

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